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Ms. Nashida Ahmed

নাশিদা আহমেদ

Sr. Research Associate

Brief Bio:

Ms. Nashida Ahmed has been contributing in the field of development primarily through her engagement in capacity building and research. She has developed learning materials and life-skills training curriculum, provided training, and developed funding proposals to promote wellbeing of adolescent girls. As the project manager, she has contributed to move forward the SSCOPE project of BRAC IED that has also promoted adolescent’s wellbeing. She has supported an Education Development Unit comprised of sixteen curriculum developers, a Research Unit including five researchers, and a Monitoring Unit including forty monitors. She was involved in communications such as writing progress reports, making liaison with international consultants, and developing funding proposals for pre-primary schools. Regrading pre-primary schooling, she also developed lessons for children of pre-primary schools. She has designed and conducted research on Childrens’ and adolescents’ models, and reviewed different kinds of documents. Currently, she is involved in facilitating classes of professionals who participate in BRAC IED’s higher education courses. Besides her such involvement, she has contributed to design a future higher education course of BRAC IED.

Areas of Specialization

Curriculum, training, communication, research, monitoring, class facilitation.

Research Interests

Needs assessment, and evaluation research.


  • Ahmed, M., Shimu, S. S., Alam, B., Abul, K., Saha, S., Ahmed, N., Sarker, R. S., Ahsan, H., Rashid, M. 2022. Non-state actors in education: Who chooses? Who Loses? Global Education Monitoring Report: South Asia. UNESCO: Paris

  • Mariam, E.; and Ahmed, N. 2019. The meaning of humor in social media and construction of gender values and identity among adolescents in Bangladesh. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum), 64 (2), pp. 203-238.

  • Lindland, E.; Khanom, F., Zaman, S, S.; Dutta, M., Ahmed, N., Masud, A.; and Mim, A, S. 2019. Mapping the gaps on understanding early childhood development in Bangladesh. Research report. FrameWorks Institute and BRAC Institute of Educational Development, BRAC University

  • Abul, K.; Hoque, E., Ahmed, N,; and Ahmed, M.2018. The social context of ethics and values in schools in Ahmed, M. (eds) Ethics and Values in School: Capturing the Spirit of Education, Education Watch Report. CAMPE

  • Ahmed, N. 2015. Introduction in Amin, S. (eds) Urban adolescents needs assessment survey in Bangladesh. Dhaka: BRAC Institute of Educational Development, BRAC University and Population Council

  • Attended - October 2016. Dealing with Shame and Normatively in Sex Education, the University of Amsterdam.

  • Attended - 12th – 19th September, 2014. Expert Workshop on Mental Health and Counseling, Radboud University

  • Attended - March, 2014: NICHE Meeting, Eda, The Netherlands

  • Attended - May 2011: Learning visit to Bangalore on primary education, India

  • Attended - March 2009: Conference on Aflatoun, Amsterdam

  • Attended - April 2008: Conference on Quality Education, Cape Town, South Africa

  • Attended - November 2002: Academic Exposure Visit to IIEP, Paris.

  • Presented - 2010: BRAC English Curriculum, BRAC University

  • Presented - 2011: Use of Language, Mahidol University, Bangkok.

  • Presented - 2002: Adolescent girls' experiences, Islamabad.