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Dr. Dilruba Sultana

ডা. দিলরুবা সুলতানা

Senior Faculty Member & Lead Government Partnership

Brief Bio:

Dr. Dilruba Sultana is a Senior Faculty Member at BRAC Institute of Educational Development (BRAC IED), Brac University. She started her profession at BRAC IED since July 2004 from the inception phase of the Institute. Over the 20 (twenty) years of professional experience at BRAC IED, Dr. Sultana worked in the diverse areas of Education sector through teaching and building partnership between Government National Educational Organizations and BRAC IED. She is teaching for 16 years in the MEd in Educational Leadership and School Improvement Program of BRAC IED. She was closely involved in designing and developing the curriculum of the MEd program. Along with teaching she is playing a leadership role to advocate BRAC IED’s innovations and models in the mainstream education sector of Bangladesh. From BRAC IED she involved with many of the national level initiatives of Primary Education sector taken by MoPME (Ministry of Primary and Mass Education). She worked significantly as a Steering Committee Member of revised DPEd program in 2022-2023. On behalf of BRAC IED, she coordinated and worked with DPE (Directorate of Primary Education) to provide training to all (2150) the local level Education Officers and Instructors on ‘Child Development and Play-based Pedagogy’ in 2022-2023. Currently she is playing a significant role as a “GPE KIX National Steering Committee” member from 31 October 2024 till present. In regards to academic achievement, Dr. Sultana has been conferred the M.Phil. degree in Education in 2008. During her M.Phil. study she has been awarded M.Phil. Scholarship from the Social Science Research Council (S.S.R.C), Planning Division, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh in 2006. She has been conferred the Degree of Philosophy (PhD) in Education in September 2021. In her PhD work, Dr. Sultana focused on the skills gap between the vocational training programs and the requirements of the industries and employers. Throughout the academic and professional life, she worked in the general education sector of Bangladesh but considering a significant area of education sector for the economic growth of the country, she is interested to work in the vocational education sector of Bangladesh. In addition, Dr. Sultana has a good number of publications and she worked as an adjunct Faculty Member at Islamic University of Technology (IUT) in 2024 to teach Sociology of Education.

Areas of Specialization

Teaching, Research and Government liaison

Research Interests

Primary Education and Vocational Skill Development


  • Das, U., Sultana, D., (2023). Module 1: Professionalism, Accountability and Commitment for School Development, Revised DPEd as Basic Training for Primary Teachers (BTPT), DPE, MoPME. (I also worked as Curriculum Coordinator for developing this module 1)

  • Sultana, D. (2022) Vocational Skill Development in Bangladesh: Practice of Selected Trade Courses and Their Role in Trainees’ Employability. PhD Dissertation, University of Dhaka. ((©University of Dhaka, 2022-01-31

  • BRAC IED. (2022). Review Report of DPEd Curriculum, Primary Teachers’ Education, National Academy for Primary Education 2015. (submitted the report to MoPME, I play the key role and lead the DPEd curriculum review process)

  • Sultana, D. (2017).“Present Status and Future Needs of English Language Teaching and Learning at the Secondary Level in Bangladesh: The Role of Public and Private Sectors – A Comparative Analysis”, Fellowship Research, Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning Bangladesh.

  • Sultana, D. (2010) ‘ Teaching English at the Primary Level in Bangladesh: Present Status, Issues and Challenges’ .(2010) Published in BRAC University Journal ( Special Edition). [Journal publication 1]

  • Sultana, D. (2009) ‘Curriculum and the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Bangladesh: Partnership of Stakeholders’ published in National Academy for Education and Management (NAEM) Journal, (2010) ISSN:1997-4248, Vol.-5, Issue-10. [Journal publication 2]

  • Sultana, D. (2009). ‘English for Today of Class VI: A Review’. Published in National Academy for Education and Management (NAEM) Journal, ISSN: 1997-4248, Vol.-4, Issue-8. [Journal publication 3]

  • Sultana, D. (2008). Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Thesis.‘Design and Development of Language Teaching at the Primary Level in Bangladesh’, University of Dhaka, Institute of Education and Research (IER).

  • Sultana, D. (2008). ‘A New Initiative for the Development of Primary and Secondary Education: Learning Packages’. Published by Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BUFED) & Institute of Educational Development, BRAC University (IED-BRACU), ISSN: 1991-6655: Bangladesh Shiskha Samoiki. [ Journal publication 4]

  • Sultana, D. (2008). ‘English Language Learning of Students: at the Primary Level in Bangladesh.’. Published in Teacher’s World (Journal of Education and Research), ISSN: 0040-0521, Vol.-32. [ Journal publication 5]

  • Sultana, D. (2008). ‘English Curriculum at Junior Secondary Level in Bangladesh: Components and Criticism’. Published in National Academy for Education and Management (NAEM) Journal, ISSN: 1997-4248, Vol.-4, Issue-7. [ Journal publication 6]

  • Nahar. S. A., & Sultana, D. (2007). ‘Existing Problems and Possible Solutions of Implementing School Based Management System in Secondary Schools in Bangladesh.’. Published in National Academy for Education and Management (NAEM) Journal, ISSN: 1997-4248, Vol.-3, Issue-5. [ Journal publication 7]

  • Sultana, D. (2013). International paper presentation on “Understanding the Required Capacity in ECCD and DRR for Particular Communities in a Disaster Prone District of Bangladesh” in the 65th world congress, Shanghai, China, July 11, 2013, a pilot research conducted by IED-BRACU collaboration with Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Save the Children &UNICEF - Sultana, D. (2009) ‘Curriculum and the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Bangladesh: Partnership of Stakeholders’. Presented in the South Asia Regional Dialogue on Education, 8-9 May, 2009, Karachi, Pakistan.